Thinking about divorcing?

Protecting your assets and preparing you for going forward on your own Divorce involves many loose ends, both emotional and financial. It can generate high levels of uncertainty and financial stress, as it impacts on all areas of your life, from living arrangements to...

Cost averaging your investments

Reducing the risk of investing in volatile markets Cost averaging, or pound cost averaging, is an investment approach that involves dividing up the total amount to be invested into equal amounts and investing these at regular intervals over a period of time. This...

Financial security and freedom

Rising prices add almost 20% to ‘minimum’ cost of retirement Despite the slow economic recovery, many retirees trying to maintain a basic standard of living have seen the cost of their lifestyle increase by nearly 20% over the past year, according to a new report[1]....

Mind The Retirement Gap

Four out of five workers not saving at levels which are likely to deliver an acceptable standard of living in old age Four in five workers (16 million people) are not saving at levels which are likely to deliver an acceptable standard of living in retirement,...

Reluctant to return

Millions want to stick with lockdown lifestyle changes The COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly difficult for everyone and made a huge impact on the lives, personal finances and jobs of millions of people. The restrictions introduced during the pandemic were forced...

Solving investor challenges

How to take less risk when investing There are a number of strategies that individual investors can use to take less risk when investing. Diversification is one approach that can help to mitigate the effects of volatility in any one particular asset class....